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Zagreb to Dubrovnik Bus

The distance between Zagreb, the Croatian capital, and the city of Dubrovnik is about 600 km.

Travellers who need to travel between these two destinations have several options to do this: taking a direct flight (55 min flight, operated by Croatia Airlines), taking a bus ride (numerous departures throughout the day), booking a private car transfer or hiring a car and driving on this route.

A view of ZagrebA view of Zagreb

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Those travellers who decide to take a bus, there are several buses available throughout the day, with more frequent service during the summer season.

Traveller can choose from the following operators: Croatia Bus, Samoborcek and Vincek. Buses drive from Zagreb via Karlovac, Plitvice, Split, Makarska and Ploce to Dubrovnik

The bus journey takes from 8 h 30 minutes to 10 hours depending on the company and stops on the way. Buses operating on this route are modern and comfortable and have a free Wi-Fi. The prices range from €14 to €36 for one-way journey.

BOOKAWAY helps you to compare all available buses and choose the best option for your journey.

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